
In search of a cultural identity
Over the last few years, the attained maturity in both life and profession drove me to profound reflections on culture and the sense of belonging to one's own places; arguments that perhaps in today's world have lost a little of their meaning. 
Meeting my inner need made me dedicate more time focusing on my photographic explorations in the direction of researching the cultural identity in our modernity, in order to preserve the cultural heritage of humanity and at the same time to promote culture.
Historical and sporting events that has a strong presence not only in Italy, but also abroad; the events that bring people from different culture and ethnicities together to a happy sharing, natural or human-caused events that affect the territory transforming places in the present anthropocene epoch; all these aspects together represent for me the cradle of our  future identity. 
Telling through pictures situations from inside and very closely experienced. In my view these are best ways to make culture in today's world, with the greatest purpose of transporting viewers into a depth emotional experience, not longer as "spectator" but as "actor" of creative and cultural life's process.

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